High School Teacher Lauren McKenzie Talks about using "A Lesson Learned" in the Classroom.

Project Based Learning expert Shayla Adams Stafford talks with Lauren Mckenzie, a D.C. based ELA and SS educator, as she shares how she helps students connect and create empathy for a project through restorative practices. Mckenzie specifically talks with Adams about using author Jeevan Brown's book "A Lesson Learned" as a part of her restorative practices.

 Earlier this year Calvin Coolidge Senior High School in Washington D.C. incorporated my book
A Lesson Learned into their 10th and 11th grade World Problems and Contemporary Issues class and a few senior English classes. This was spearheaded by Lauren Mckenzie who is a English and Social Studies teacher at Coolidge. Mckenzie was recently featured on the Project Based Learning (PBL) in Practice Podcast where she spoke with PBL expert Shayla Adams Stafford. In the interview Mckenzie shares how she helped students connect and create empathy for a project through restorative practices and she specifically talks with Adams about using my book A Lesson Learned as a part of her practices. This was a great interview and was a reminder that my intention for my book is working. When I hear how my stories are helping students it brings me so much joy. I prayed that the stories would help the youth make better choices than the ones my friends and I made. This interview not only proves that it's working, but also shows how A Lesson Learned is helping to bridge the gap between student and teacher. To read more about my "Authors Visit" to Coolidge your can read my previous blog about it here.  If you're interested in more of Stafford's podcast you can listen here.


Calvin Coolidge Senior High School students reading A Lesson Learned.

Jeevan Brown
A Lesson Learned Scholarship Winner!
EdenHailemairiam and Author Jeevan Brown

EdenHailemairiam and Author Jeevan Brown

Earlier this year I had the idea to create a scholarship for my book A Lesson Learned.  With the success of A Lesson Learned I knew it was only right to give back and help one deserving student as much as I could. These last few years I've grown a lot, especially when it comes to spirituality. I constantly remind myself of my purpose, my intent and the most important of them all is to serve. When you're blessed it's important to be a blessing to others. I knew nothing about creating a scholarship, but I knew a few people and professors who did. I reached out to them and learned everything that I needed to know. One person I contacted was former NBA player Josh Howard. Josh has a chapter in my book called "Draft Day" and he also has the Josh Howard Foundation which also does scholarships for economically challenged students. I sat in my room telling him my idea and what he said next shocked me. Josh said he would match my funds to go towards the scholarship funds. I was speechless and could only think "If you take one step towards God he'll take two towards you." I had been consistently praying for guidance about the scholarship and for this to happen was nothing short of a blessing. 

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After Josh and I worked out the logistics I started promoting the scholarship through my network and social media. The contestants had to write a 2 page essay about my book as it pertained to the guidelines and that's it. Most scholarships require students to have a certain GPA, but I didn't want any restrictions. I remember when I was in high school my GPA wasn't that high so I didn't want to exclude students who might have the potential, but didn't have the grades. I contacted the universities and high schools my book was a part of to tell them about the scholarship. I figured this would be an easy win for those students because they already read the book.

The students had three months to submit their essays and one by one the essays started to roll in. During this time my friend Ben Givens who is the owner of Inspired Emotions Photography contacted me and told me he wanted to do a partnership with the scholarship. Again, I was blown away. With his participation the amount for the scholarship increased again. My initial amount for the scholarship winner was $500.00, but when Josh contributed it went to $1,000.00 and when Ben contributed it went to $1, 100.00. All it takes is a little ounce of faith and before you know it your idea has grown beyond to what you thought it could.

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As I sat in my home office reading the essays I was blown away. Then it hit me! I realized that I had really made an impact on some of the students who read A Lesson Learned. One student actually called to tell me that even if he didn't win he still wanted to thank me because the booked helped him so much while attending Morgan State University. I could hear in his voice how sincere he was and he also explained what chapters he referenced back to when he needed a little guidance. 

As I kept reading I picked the top three and my team and I unanimously chose the same person - Eden Hailemairiam. Her essay started off like a story in a book and it was so well-written. Eden was attending the University of West Georgia, but ended up not being able to complete her second semester as a freshmen do to an accident she had while at a party. That accident not only made her miss her second semester, but she also lost her HOPE scholarship. She explained that my book helped her through her rough times as a freshmen and how every time she made a mistake she would think about certain chapters in my book that talked about her current situation or problem. Through her perseverance Eden will now be attending Georgia State this Fall and is majoring in Respiratory Therapy. Eden is a first generation student from Ethiopia and has only been in the United States for eight years. Her story is amazing. Good luck Eden!

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I want to give a special thanks to the Josh Howard Foundation and Inspired Emotions Photography, because of your contributions we will be able to help Eden further her education and hopefully change the world. Thank you everybody for your support, this is still only the beginning. All it takes is faith, prayer and action and I promise you can do anything. Keep pushing! Order your copy of A Lesson Learned here. 

One last thing. The other day while driving home form work I remembered that I had scholarship written on my vision board. I wrote that on my vision board three years ago and it manifested. When I created the scholarship my vision board wasn't on my mind. The same thing happen with the picture in the top right corner that says "shaping the college curriculum." I actually made a curriculum for my book and did so without even thinking about this picture. It's safe to say vision boards really work. If you have time create one do it and see what happens. God Bless!

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Jeevan Brown
My Visit to Calvin Coolidge Senior High School

Earlier last year my friend Lauren Mckenzie said she wanted to adapt my book "A Lesson Learned," into her class at Calvin Coolidge Senior High School in Washington D.C. Not only was I honored, but shocked. When I wrote my book my main intention was to get it incorporated into as many colleges as I could, but now the trajectory has changed. Through the last two numerous parents and teachers told me that my book needed to be in high schools and middles schools and after my visit to Coolidge I was convinced. Lauren explained that the principal of Coolidge wasn't sure about using my book, but one day her daughter who attends Morgan State University came home ranting and raving about this book she had to read at school. Yup, you guessed it! It was my book she was talking about. That's when I knew God was all over this. 


Usually when I speak at schools I talk for two or three hours, but this was different. Lauren and her students facilitated everything which ended up being an experience I will never forget. Their project was based on "A Lesson Learned." Each student was assigned to pick a story out of my book that inspired them and write their own personal story with the lesson they learned from it. Sitting in a literacy circle each student read their stories out loud to me and their classmates As they begin to tell their stories the mood of the class change and the emotions and tears were flowing. 



I had no idea some of our youth were dealing with problems this heavy. Some of these students were only in the 9th and 10th grade. Topics ranged from attempted suicide, pregnancy, violence, child abuse, drugs, dealing with death, divorce and a lot more. But writing is therapy and from writing their stories and the lessons learned from them they explained that my book and their project helped them heal. What a blessing!

I also spoke with another class full of seniors who had also read my book and to my surprise they were full of questions. A lot of them are planning to attend college in the fall and some have even received scholarships already. After speaking with them I realized that there should be more information or classes about student loans because none of them really knew how the process worked. I explained the interest and principal, refund checks, garnishing of wages, and the numerous payment plan options they have once they graduate which lead to wide eyes and gasps. Especially when me and their teacher, Ms. McClure explained the principal and interest to them and that some people only pay on their interest. 

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On this path of authorship I sometimes doubt myself and question is this really what I'm supposed to be doing. Even with everything I've accomplished and this little bit of time. I know, I know but remember I'm human and I have my good days and bad days just like everybody else. Believe me behind the success is a lot of no's that sometimes can discourage you, but I've learn after every rejection is a blessing. After visiting Coolidge I was reassured that this without a doubt is the path I should be on. I was so humbled and inspired after leaving there I was ready to tackle my next project with ease. 


Jeevan Brown
Author Jeevan Brown at Bowie State University

     This past Friday October 21st I had the honor to speak at Bowie State University. Unlike my past speaking engagements at Livingstone College and Johnson C. Smith University these students have read "A Lesson Learned." Bowie State University was the first school to incorporate my book into their curriculum. During my time there I could literally see and feel the impact "A Lesson Learned" has had on the students.

     Throughout the last few weeks a few of the students found me on social media and told me how much they loved the book. When I spoke to Professor Walters she explained that during class she could tell that they loved the book because they were so engaged during the discussions. The gratitude my heart felt while hearing this made me feel like my mission was complete. I wrote "A Lesson Learned" to help students avoid the pitfalls that my friends and I went through and I clearly see it working right before my eyes.


     I also had Shawn Calloway join me who's story "Live By Faith Not By Sight," is a favorite amongst a lot of the readers. Shawn was a surprise for the students and when I introduced him they were shocked and had a plethora of questions to ask him. Shawn is a testimony that no matter what happens in life there is still hope for your future. If he can still be successful after what he's been through then so can you. If you have no idea what I'm talking about you should order the book and read chapter one lol.



     Not only did I surprise the students, but they also surprised me. After my speech a group of students showed me their group project which was a short movie about "A Lesson Learned." I almost wanted to cry lol. Especially since one of my goals is to make my book a movie one day. The movie ended with the students telling me their favorite chapter from the book and how it has helped them. My goal was to a make a difference - mission accomplished.


     I want to thank Professor Walters for taking a chance on me. She is truly a blessing from God. Here's a short story. When I started promoting my book I would call the freshmen departments of each school. When I called Bowie she answered the phone and was very helpful, but I still wanted to talk in person lol. I literally walked on Bowie State University's campus with no scheduled meeting and she was the first person I met. I spoke with her and Dr. Galloway and both left them a signed copy of my book. The following Monday Professor Walters sent me an email and told me that she put two and two together and realized that she had already knew about my book before we met. I was confused, but as I kept reading her email I started to smile. Her mom and my mother were in the same Queen Esther class at the First Baptist church of Glenarden. My mother had previously told her mom about my book in class a few weeks before we even talked. Was it a coincidence? I don't think so! Since releasing my book, I've learned that when you're walking in your purpose and doing what God put you on this earth to do you will have favor. God gave me the idea and courage to walk on these campuses and it is paying off. Fear is not real.



Jeevan Brown
Author Jeevan Brown At Johnson C. Smith University

     This past Monday was like a dream come true.  I had the opportunity to speak at my alma mater Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU). I held a seminar about my book A Lesson Learned for 150 incoming freshmen. In case you're not familiar with A Lesson Learned here's a little synopsis. I interviewed 16 of my friends and family members who all had a trial and tribulation (grief, STDs, drugs, sports, rape, finances and more) during their college years. Each chapter ends with a "lesson learned" where the main character and I give advice on how to persevere through these obstacles. You can read more about it here. These individual stories happened at colleges throughout the country, but majority of them took place at JCSU making this seminar extra special. 

      The seminar was held in Biddle Hall, a place I frequented a lot during my time at JCSU. Walking in I couldn't believe I was about to speak at Biddle. A few minutes before the students walked in I excused myself and said a quick prayer and thank you to the man above. I kicked things off explaining the importance of picking the right major and pursuing a career that makes you happy. I expressed the value of having a plan. I gave examples of how I executed my dreams and ended up working with OZONE Magazine which all started from picking the right major and having internships in college. 

     I also gave examples of celebrities who manifested their dreams through hard work, faith, prayer, and writing it down. I specifically emphasized the importance of writing your goals down and provided examples of celebrities who did the same. I knew this would grab their attention. I told them about Morolake Akinosun, the Olympic track runner who tweeted that she would be running in the Olympics five years before it happened. Or  how rapper Nicki Minaj wrote in a song that she would be with Beyonce in Paris 3 years before it happened. Towards the end of the seminar I explained how I did the same with my book. The power of manifestation, prayer, and hard work is real! 

     Next I went into the the story telling portion of the seminar and the expression on their faces were priceless. Especially when I told the "Live By Faith, Not By Sight" story that has captured the emotions of a few readers. Of course the hysterical story "HIGHway Patrol" made them laugh. But a certain calm came over the room when I told the "Let It Burn" (STD) and "19 & Pregnant" story. You could tell they were listening and taking mental notes on what not to do. After every story I gave advice and bullet points on how to avoid these mistakes. To make sure they remembered the advice I had them take notes. We later played the interactive mobile game Kahoot! that had questions from the key points I explained. Winners won gift cards to Urban Outfitters, Starbucks, Target, Chick-Fil-A, Krispy Kreme, and much more.

     After telling the STD and pregnancy story we played the "Temptation Paper Plate" game. There were two teams of 5 lined up in separate rows and each person had to stand on a paper plate, but the last person had an extra plate in his hand. In order for the team to move forward the last person had to pass the plate to the front of the line and the person in front could only walk forward by stepping on the extra plate. This was repeated until the winning team reached the finish line. The paper plate represented a "stepping stone" and the bare floor represented temptation. The purpose of the game was for them to help each other avoid temptation and have accountability partners. I translated this to them having a friend who will help them avoid situations that could lead them down the wrong path.


     I concluded the seminar with a finance section were I discussed student loans, credit cards, refund checks and paying the loans back after graduating. I reverted back to having a plan and showed them everything I've accomplished this year since releasing my book. I also answered questions for the students and signed books afterward. Special thanks to Dean Jones and Ms. White for having me and to my cousin Neema for helping. This was another gratifying moment to add to the long list of things God has done for me this year. There's a lot more to come. Stay tuned! JCSU!

Check out the pictures below!



Jeevan Brown
Author Jeevan Brown At Livingstone College

     This past weekend I had the honor to speak at Livingstone College in Salisbury, North Carolina to some of their incoming freshmen. These freshmen were a part of the Bridge & Beyond summer program. The Bridge & Beyond program gives deserving students who didn’t meet college admissions standards a chance to prove themselves through an intensive, 6-week residential program. Since the program was coming to an end I was brought in to speak with them about my book, A Lesson Learned. If you've never heard about A Lesson Learned go here to read more about it and watch my book trailers (similar to a movie trailer).

     Before I indulge on this wonderful experience let me give you the story on how this happened (Writer's note: The video below explains a portion of what I wrote below. The Livingstone section starts on paragraph seven). On February 22nd 2016 I revealed to the world that I was releasing my first book, A Lesson Learned. A few days later my younger cousin, Dominique died from a heart attack. I was on a wave of joy when I put my book out, but it came crashing down when I got the news she passed. I started looking at plane tickets to Washington D.C. from Atlanta, but they were really expensive. I decided I would rent a car, drive to D.C., then catch a flight back to Atlanta the next day, but I was going to make the most of this trip.

     I had the idea to stop at colleges throughout North Carolina and Virginia while on my way to D.C. to promote my book. My plan was to take pictures of students holding the book and talk to a few professors about my book. Since A Lesson Learned is based on college stories and I want it to be a part of the freshmen curriculum, I thought my idea was genius. Even though I was grieving I had to keep pushing, I call that “achieving while grieving,” which happens to be the name of Chapter 3 in my book. I told myself I’ve been down this road before and I can handle this – I’m built for this. This was a 9 hour drive that would possibly take 14 hours because of my plan and let's not forget I was by myself. A few of my friends thought I was crazy, but I knew God had my back.

     I loaded the 2015 Impala rental car with my bags, camera and the most important essential - my bible. I prayed really hard and hit the road at 4:30AM. My first stop was at my alma mater, Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU) in Charlotte, NC. I arrived at 8:00AM and thought I would be there no longer than 45 minutes, but boy was I in for a surprise. After asking a random student to take a picture holding the book and speaking with multiple professors I was there for almost three hours! Once I introduced myself to some of the professors they wanted to know more about me and my book. Those conversations went on forever, but I wasn’t mad because I loved to talk about my book.

     Next I was off to Livingstone College in Salisbury, NC which is about 30 minutes from JCSU. When I pulled on campus students were everywhere. It happened to be warm that day and students were blasting music out their cars and having a good time. I parked my car and told myself I couldn’t be here for three hours like I did at JCSU. I needed a miracle, so I prayed. I asked God to lead me to the right professor that would help take A Lesson Learned to the next level. After quickly asking a student from Philadelphia to take a picture I saw a group of older men walking with suits on who looked like professors. All of them split up, but one was still walking towards my car. I yelled “excuse me!” and he turned around. He was in a rush, but was listening to me. His name was Coach Kyle. I told him about me and the book and he said “I think I can use you, I’m the Director of the summer Bridge program here. I work with the incoming freshmen.” Immediately my energy shifted to pure joy, I knew God was working. I gave him a book, told him thanks and headed to North Carolina A&T in Greensboro, NC.

     Within 10 minutes I had met the exact person who was in charge of the same program I talked to this past weekend. There's no doubt in my mind it was all because of God and the prayer I made. I followed up with Coach Kyle, but didn’t hear anything back. But three months later I sent out a mass email promoting my book for graduation season and he responded back and called me. He told me he read my book and thinks it would be great if I came and spoke to the students there. I agreed, wrote out my outline and was officially booked for my first speaking engagement.

      This past weekend when I arrived on Livingstone’s Campus I was a bit nervous. I’ve talked in front of big crowds before, but this was different. These were student between the ages of 17-18 and I had to speak for three hours. But I embraced the fear, prayed, and let the worry go because you can’t do both. I was speaking to about 90 students and I knew I had to make them feel comfortable and be relatable. I wasn’t worried about what I was going to say because I knew they would love the stories. But I wanted to set the tone.

     Before they walked in I made a playlist of instrumentals of today’s top hits such as Beyonce’s “Sorry,” Drake’s “Summer Sixteen,” Desiigner’s “Panda” and a lot more. When I saw they were dancing while walking into the room I knew everything was going to be ok. I also had a Snapchat filter with Livingstone’s Mascot combined with a picture of me holding the book. I knew this would also make them comfortable and give them a sense that this wasn’t a normal seminar. Especially since I had former NBA player Josh Howard with me who has a chapter in my book called “Draft Day.”


     Once they were settled in, one of the upperclassmen read my bio and things went into overdrive. I made them stand up, repeat words of affirmations and told them about my story leading up until now. The seminar was broken down into 5 different sections. Grief, Temptation, Sports, Alcohol & Tobacco, and Finances. I knew the students would be a little irritated about sitting there for three hours, but once they heard the first story “Live By Faith, Not By Sight” I had their full attention. I even noticed one girl crying when I told them about Chapter 3 “Achieving While Grieving,” which details the passing of my best friend, Jeff while I was in college. Other stories like “HIGHway Patrol,” and “Let It Burn,” made them laugh and of course they loved Josh Howard’s NBA stories. Most of the students were from North Carolina so they knew who he was. 

     After every story they had to take notes about the “lessons learned” from each chapter. We also played the interactive mobile game Kahoot where the students had to answer the questions from the notes they took. The prizes included bags of candy and H&M, Starbucks, Walmart and Target gift cards. It was truly gratifying to give back and pour the wisdom and lessons I learned from my college experiences into the students. It’s only been four months since releasing A Lesson Learned and I must say it has been a fun and surreal journey that has been lead by God. He’s just using me to do his work. Be on the lookout for more things to come and order your copy of A Lesson Learned here, or on Amazon and Kindle. All orders made on my website will be personally signed by me. God Bless and never give up on your dreams! 



(Video + Pics) The Writer's Loft (My Book Signing) feat. The Howard University Marching Band!
Jeevan Solo


     Sorry for the wait. Two weeks ago I had my first book signing for my novel A Lesson Learned. If you missed it, you missed something special. This was one of the best days of my life! If things keep going as planned and God keeps showing out this will be one of the best years of my life! I've been planning The Writer's Loft (the name of the book signing) since January. Keep in mind that A Lesson Learned came out on March 7th and the book signing was April 9th. I put my heart and soul into A Lesson Learned and I did the same for The Writer's Loft.

     I didn't want a traditional book signing, just like I  didn't want a traditional book roll out. I looked for a few book signings on YouTube and they were mostly in book stores. I was determined to not have a book store - book signing. If you want to make an impact in this world you have to think outside of the box. Don't go with the flow, be the flow. The ideas and visions I had were out of this world and I knew I would need help, but I didn't know who to ask. But when you're walking in your purpose God will bring you what you need before you can ask. My friend Taney knew I was putting out a book, but she had no idea I was thinking about my vision for the book signing. She called me in January and stated that she wanted to help. She was starting her event planning business Lark Events and Management so it made sense.

     We started brainstorming right away. Coming up with marketing schemes, finding venues, negotiating prices with the owners, food, decorations, etc. We visited six spots, but The Manor in Washington D.C. spoke to me. The ambiance and the price was just right. I explained to Taney that I wanted to do something grand. I was thinking of a celebrity guest, but that was too far fetched and pricey. Especially for the celebrity I would want. But she said why not get a marching band since A Lesson Learned is about college stories. Genius! 

Howard University

The Howard University Showtime Marching Band

     The first school she contacted was Howard University and they were excited about my book A Lesson Learned, but it took a few months before they were on board. But the band director Mr. Newson finally told us to mark them down in "pen and not pencil." The marching band was a surprise and nobody knew! I explained several times on social media, emails, texts and phone calls to get there by 7:00pm. The band had to leave by a certain time and I didn't want anybody to miss it. The original plan was to hide them in the kitchen, but once they arrived almost 50 deep with their giant tubas and drums we were stuck. Luckily, The Gryphon next door allowed us to hide them there for 45 minuets. I was so grateful for that because I didn't want people to see them beforehand. 

     Initially Mr. Newson wanted the band to perform contemporary songs, but I told him that couldn't happen. I wanted them to get down while adding soul to it. Just like the HBCU's marching bands do! I sent him videos of the band performing Fetty Wap "Trap Queen," Travis Scott "Antidote," Rae Sremmurd "Come Get Her," and the HBCU classic by Cameo "Talking Out The Side of Ya Neck." When he saw the band already knew those songs he agreed. Thank God for that! At 7:00pm I snuck out the venue and went to tell the band it was time. What a incredible feeling to walk the streets of Washington D.C. with over 40 band members behind you as you're getting ready to enter your event. God was showing favor and the joy inside me was shining bright. As I grabbed the microphone I told the crowd to get their cell phones out and get ready for the surprise. As the band walked in everybody looked shocked and confused. "Oh it's about to be lit," I heard one of my friends say. It was magnificent to see the looks on their faces. Once the band lined up and hit the first note, It set the unforgettable tone for the night.

     As you can see I was partying my life away while they performed! I was on a high for about a week after this. After they performed I explained the inspiration behind the book, took questions and read a poem that summed up the book. Every story was describe perfectly within the poem. I signed a plethora of books which was surreal. As I started signing books I noticed it was a line from the stage to the back of the club of people waiting for me to sign their books. Initially my publicist wanted me to sit at a table and sign books, but I wanted to walk around, talk to people, and be personable. But I wasn't able to do that until later. My eyes even started hurting from the flashes of the camera 

 This was a great night! I encourage everybody to find their purpose and go for it. Pray everyday, treat others how you want to be treated, be grateful for every thing, give back and I promise it will work in your favor. God is good! I also have to thank my mother, dad, sister, uncles, army of aunts, John, Wesley, and Rasaan for helping out. Also to my late Grandma Brown, even though you're not here you were still helping in spirit - I see you! If it wasn't for y'all I don't know how I would have pulled it off. I am forever grateful to all of you!  Enjoy the pictures below.


Pictures from The Writer's Loft!

Author Jeevan Brown Talks About His New Book W/ Shawn Calloway on WYCB 1340am

This past Monday April 11th, 2016 I had the opportunity to talk with Shawn Calloway on the "Open Our Eyes," radio show (WYCB 1340am). It was an honor to be on the show and I am truly grateful. Shawn is actually in my book "A Lesson Learned," Chapter 1: Live By Faith Not By Sight. Shawn's story is incredible, inspiring, and motivational all in one. A plethora of people told me they cried reading his story and believe me I'm shocked myself. During the interview we discussed the book, but also touched on topics such as therapy in the black community, rape and it's effects on women, disabilities, and a lot more. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I enjoyed doing it. God is good!

PATisDOPE "One on One" Interview With Author Jeevan Brown

Today is the day people! My book is finally available on www.jeevanbrown.com, Amazon, Createspace, and Kindle. If you buy the book straight from my website it will be personally signed and shipped by me, if not it will just be the book lol. It's been a long ride, but it's far from over. I sat down with blogger PatIsDope for my second interview within a week. God is great! But this time it was on camera. Just like last time I was a little nervous, but not as much as my first interview. I was mainly nervous because of the camera. I just kept wondering "how is this going to look," "I hope I'm not talking to fast," "I hope he asks the right questions," "is it over yet lol?" Pat has interviewed a plethora of celebrities including Shy Glizzy, Joe Budden, 2 Chainz, Vashtie and many more. It was an honor to sit down with him. I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I enjoyed doing it. Also, I want to thank everybody for all of the support, it has been truly gratifying to see all of the love pour in from my family, friends, associates, and people I don't even know.  I have much more rolled up my sleeves. I have ideas that can last a lifetime and God willing I will see them come to fruition. 

Behind The Book Cover Of "A Lesson Learned"

     How did I come up with book cover design? Honestly it just came to me one day. I truly believe if you're focused and on the right path everything will come as needed. I'm a "do it yourself" kind of guy, when something is wrong with my car I will go on YouTube before I head to a mechanic. The same goes for my house, clothes, job, and anything else. YouTube is full of people who are willing to teach and help. But with the book cover I had to leave it in the hands of my best friend, Julian Dangerfield. Julian and I met during college freshmen orientation and we clicked right away. We had the same taste in music and he rapped and I made beats. We made a whole mixtape of l8 songs called "A Fly Story," right in our house during senior year. Those were some of the funnest times in college.

     I called him right away when I had the idea and immediately he said no "problem," but I told him to wait and I was gong to send him a drawing of my vision. I got my old coloring pencils from under my bed and got to work. The pencils were so old I had to sharpen the opposite end. I decided to use the fork in the road because it represented making a choice and sometimes that choice can be good or bad. The good choice being the sunny side and the bad choice the dark side. I also added the 85 and 95 sign because that's the road a lot of students take to college. I drove on 85 and 95 constantly during my college years. Instead of having regular street signs I decided to replace them with words that related to the choices we make in life, such a temptation, fear, grief, and perseverance. 

I thought my drawing was great until I showed my friends and they laughed at me. "Did your nieces draw this" is what one of them said. When Julian sent me the final cover I was at a  lost for words. He bought to life exactly what I was thinking, He exceeded my expectations. I was filled with joy when I opened the email and couldn't thank him enough. Again, Julian thank you! To anybody trying to find their path in life make sure you have a  vision and go for it, even if you don't have the resources God will make a way. Just stay on the right path and continue to hold genuine love in your heart. 
