About A Lesson Learned

My senior year in college was one of the most difficult times in school and maybe even life. I was thrown into a roller coaster of emotions that I couldn’t guide or fix. My plate was full, and just when I thought it was over, more problems were coming in for seconds and thirds. There was nobody I could talk to who could fully give me the answers for which I was looking. Sure, there were some who gave encouraging advice, but none of it really stuck. Somehow I still pulled through and graduated. I wish I had somebody who related to my ongoing trials. Somebody wiser, who’d been there and done that; but the older adults, teachers, parents, and mentors couldn’t fully relate. As Millennia’s, we sometimes reject the attitudes of the Baby Boomers and take a smidge of advice from Generation X. We do things our way and on our terms. We saw the past mistakes of our elders and decided to take our own route instead of following status quo.

I decided to write this book to help the Millennials and generations to come that might go through similar experiences. This book is from a Millennial’s perspective with the guidance Baby Boomers and Generation X couldn’t give us because technology wasn’t that advanced while they were growing up. Social media wasn’t a thought, and college debt wasn’t surpassing $1 trillion. Violence also didn’t hit so close to home while you were trying to succeed and obtain a career that was financially stable, creative, and meaningful. 

I didn’t have a blueprint to guide me through those years, but I did have my friends and peers who were going through similar situations. With my Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and background in journalism I thought to myself why not interview them? Not only will I tell their stories, but detail what they learned while giving advice to the reader. During this process I discovered things about them I never knew, and these were some of my closest friends. I knew what was on the surface; but didn’t know the pain, agony, and suffering they endured. I had heard their stories before, and was part of a few, but I didn’t realize how deeply rooted their stories were to the people they’ve become. Through their tribulations came some of their darkest and deepest moments, birthing their divine purpose and destiny. Not all of their stories have happy endings, but one thing we all have in common is that we learned a lesson from each experience. 

A Lesson Learned is not just for college students, but also for adolescents and young adults. Almost every story is relatable. This book may also give a feeling of nostalgia and cause others to reminisce on the past, good or bad. These short stories aren’t your average everyday problems; they’re raw, uncut, and honest. Not only will this book help, it will bring a sense of conscience to the readers’ souls while also taking them through a range of emotions leaving them happy, sad and even laughing. This book is the guidance I didn’t have that will change the outcome of millions that are dealing with or may go through the same dynamic. There are no losses in life, just lessons learned.