Jeevan Brown at Columbus State University

I was the keynote speaker at Columbus State University for the “College Student For A Day” program where high school seniors and juniors came to experience what college might be like. In the snippet above I explained to that you have to follow your dreams and sometimes the people in your life might not believe in you, but you have to make them believe. Some people have insecurities of their own and sometimes they just want what they think is best for you.

One way to get them to believe is to follow through on your ideas/dreams and execute it. If you start accomplishing your goals people will believe and sometimes even invest in you. When you’re an entrepreneur you may have to get a company or somebody to invest, but they’re only going to do it if they believe. So many people start something and never finish it. If you consistently do that why would anybody invest. Work hard, pray and follow through on what you said! I also assigned the students to create their own group vision boards and played games. I showed them my vision board first and how so many pictures have manifested. Once they saw my vision board they were shocked and quickly started working on theirs. Thank you Columbus State for having me!

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Jeevan Brown